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Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So Arpee and I are watching the show WipeOut! for the first time. Now I'm sure all of you have seen it and it's old news but for us it's new. For those of you who haven't seen it is a game show with really dumb people going through nearly impossible obstacle course. The best part is the commentators, they are so hilarious.
I'd to hear your thoughts on the show.


The Weaver's said...

Yes, I am ashamed to say that Lisa and I have watched it since the premiere.
- It was really funny the first week.
- It was sort of funny the second time.
- It kind of wore off by the third show.

Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

I hope it doesn't wear off for me too. We'll see. If it does I hope I never lose that moment.

NerdMom said...

NerdDad and I watched it for the first time last night. It was funny but the kind of funny that you do something else while you watch it. MXC on SPike is a little funnier but a lot less family friendly.

Flying with Enoch (Jesse Caron) said...

My only problem with Wipeout was some of the content. I'd love to have shared some of the clips with the kids in my ministry if the entire package was cleaner. As is I'd hate to point kids to it.